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14 Aug Sea Stories: The Ocean Friends Checklist - navigating eco ideas in 2019

In August, Sea Stories will be exploring ways we can reduce our footprint and care for our oceans. Presenting 'the Ocean Friends Checklist ~ navigating eco ideas in 2019'. During the last four years, Australia has seen a massive shift in positive conservation ideals. With eco-friendly ideas popping up everywhere, it can be overwhelming figuring out what strategies are effective and right for you. Speaker, Lia Pereira is part-owner of Irukandji Shark & Ray Encounters & cofounder of Sea Shelter. Lia grew up in the mountains with no electricity and no TV until her late teens. With a background in zoology, Lia has spent most of her adult life promoting conservation in one form or another. Along with her husband, Marine Biologist Ryan Pereira the pair have moulded Irukandji into a conservation hub to advocate for healthy oceans & launched Sea Shelter a non-profit organisation rescuing marine life and getting everybody involved with educational community events just like this. Join Lia as she explores some easy lifestyle hacks you can use to make an impact on the health of our ocean and environment. 7pm, Wednesday 14th August Waratah Room, Tomaree Library 7 Community Close, Salamander Bay.

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